In The Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker, Tingle lives in the eponymous Tingle Tower. The tower was actually built by Tingle’s younger brother Ankle, who has a somewhat strained relationship with his siblings.
The papercraft features a fully rotating head, just like in the game. Unfortunately though, unless you have some lackeys handy you’ll have to turn it yourself! The tower has a hand carved feel so it’s not rotationally symmetrical. This means it really matters which pieces attach to other similar pieces. Check the pdo to make sure!
Also included is a tiny little Tingle craft to sit in the tower. This one is really small so make sure you’ve got tweezers ready and take your time.
Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 35cm
Width: 20cm
Depth: 17cm
Pages: 10 (1 for Tingle)
Parts: 152 (6 for Tingle)
Difficulty: Medium/Hard